The Onion Heads

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to spot a CASANOVA.

There are some guys that just love the thrill of the chase and once they have caught their prey, they discard them and move onto the next. For these Casanovas it is all a game, but for the women involved it is more time wasted, a pillow soaked in tears and a feeling of hurt. However, there are ways to spot these womanizers by noticing certain traits. If you want to fine tune your womanizer radar and avoid being played by a guy you’re dating, here are some tips on how to spot.

1) It’s mainly about egos: chatting up women and leading them on, with one goal in mind is a way for them to feel good. It’s like a power trip and affirms to them they are attractive and appealing to the opposite sex.

2) If a guy that announces that they are a "bit of a ladies man" while chatting you up then you've definitely found a womanizer. Someone who is genuinely interested in someone really wouldn't mention this.

3) If you find out they haven’t had a relationship longer than a month or two, yet seems to attract the attention of plenty of women, then be cautious. It could indicate that he has issues with commitment and won’t hang around particularly long.

4) If he comes across a little indifferent and yet you find yourself wanting his attention more and more, it could be his way to ensure your undivided attention so you’ll be putty in his hands. He’ll say jump and you’ll ask how high.

5) If you hear through others that he has a womanizing past, then take note. Unless it is someone trying to interfere, a rumor doesn’t arise without a reason.

6) People don't fall in love straight away and those feelings are often confused with lust. If he drops the love bomb, then it could be just his attempt to achieve his main aim: sex. He is trying to appeal to your emotional side by allowing him to be closer to you.

7) If all else fails, then use your gut instinct when assessing his character. Look out for that overt charm, flirting tools they have to seduce. They will go out of their way to make you feel special and shower you in compliments, but it is merely so they can have their wicked way!

p/s: sources from MSN Malaysia

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